Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience
Université Paris Cité
Honorary Member of the Institut Universitaire de France
2024-2026: Emergence grant from Université Paris Cité (15,500€). PI: Jonathan Vacher & Laura Dugué
2022: Grant from the Science Faculty of Université Paris Cité for scientific mediation (12,000€). PI: Laura Dugué
2022: INCC Grant to organize a Workshop (3,000€). PI: Laura Dugué & Daniel Margulies
2021: Annual grant from Université Paris Cité, UFR Sciences Fondamentales et Biomédicales for Hacking Cognition (10,000€). PI: Laura Dugué
2020-2026: ERC Starting Grant (1,500,000€). PI: Laura Dugué
2018-2021: ANR-DGF French-German grant (340,000€). PI: Laura Dugué & Niko Busch
2017-2018: Support from the MEG-EEG Center ICM for MEG experimentation and source localization. PI: Laura Dugué
2016-2018: R21 NIH research grant. PI: Carrasco ($250,000)
2015: Grant from NYU ($10,000) for fMRI piloting. PIs: Marisa Carrasco and David Heeger
2014: Grant from NYU ($10,000) for fMRI piloting. PI: Marisa Carrasco
2013: ATUPS Toulouse University travel grant (850€) for an internship in Carrasco’s lab, NYC
2012: Grant from the NRJ foundation. PI: Rufin VanRullen (40,000€)
2023-2026: 3 years PhD scholarship awarded to Yue Kong by ed3c doctoral school (salary)
2018-2021: 3 years PhD scholarship awarded to Garance Merholz by ed3c doctoral school (salary + 3,000€ research fund)
2016-2018: Revson Senior Fellowship in Biomedical science ($180,000). Declined in favor of the Associate professor position in Paris
2014-2015: 2 years post-doctoral fellowship, FYSSEN foundation, to work with Pr. Carrasco (50,000€)
2010-2013: 3 years PhD scholarship awarded for finishing first of the year (50,400€)
2024: Galas*, Senoussi*, Busch and Dugué (ECVP 2024) received a ECVP 2024 poster Award
2023: Michel, Dugué & Busch (2022) received the EJN Best Publication Award 2023
2021: Théodule Ribot award in Scientific Psychology for personal achievements and international recognition
2019: Nominated to be part of Anneslist - highlighting female systems neuroscientists
2019-2024: Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France
2015: Grant from the Philippe Foundation for personal achievements
2014: Grant from the Philippe Foundation for personal achievements
2012: Clesco doctoral school 2012 award for PhD research progress
2011: (Dugué et al., 2011a) has been selected and evaluated by the faculty of 1000
Scientific responsibilities
Since 2024: Academic Editor for PLOS Computational Biology
Since 2021: Consulting Editor for Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
2019-2023: Reviewing editor for eLife - Neuroscience section
2019-2021: Guest editor for European Journal of Neuroscience. Special issue on "Rhythms in Cognition: Revisiting the evidence"
Since 2020: Reviewer in PhD Defense committees (#4)
Hugo Ladret, 2024 (Perrinet Lab, INT, Marseille), Prasakti Tenri Fanyiwi, 2022 (Schmid Lab, NewCastle University, UK); Samson Chota, 2020 (VanRullen Lab, CerCo, Toulouse); Corentin Gaillard, 2020 (Ben Hamed Lab, INSU, Lyon)
2018: Recruitment committee for associate professor position (#2)
Since 2017: Examiner in PhD Defense committees (#7)
Zhaoyang Pang, 2022 (VanRullen Lab, CerCo, Toulouse); Angelo Franciosin, 2021 (Perrinet Lab, INT, Marseille); Nicolai Wolpert, 2021 (Tallon-Baudry Lab, ENS, Paris); Maxime Maheu, 2019 (Dehaene Lab, Neurospin, Paris); Maria Ortiz, 2019 (Gervain Lab, INCC, Paris); Chloé Stengel, 2019 (Valero-Cabre Lab, ICM, Paris); Sasskia Bruers, 2017 (VanRullen Lab, CerCo, Toulouse)
Since 2011: Member of organizing and scientific committees of international conferences
2020: Vision summer school, CRIM, Marseille
2017-2018: Decision-making workshop, 2017-2018 (Institut des Etudes Avancées, Paris).
2011: 34th European Conference on Visual Perception, 2011 (Toulouse,
Since 2021: Member of SCONe (Scottish-EU Critical Oscillations Network)
Since 2011: Reviewer for: Trends in Cognitive Sciences; Nature Communications; Current Biology; eLife; Journal of Neuroscience; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience; Neuroimage; Scientific Report; Journal of Vision; Brain Stimulation; Vision Research; Frontiers in Neuroscience; Cortex; i-Perception; Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment; Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience.
Since 2011: Member of scientific societies: Society for Neuroscience (USA), Vision Science Society (USA), GDRVision (France), Société des Neurosciences (France)
Educational responsibilities
Since 2024: Co-director of cog-SUP, Master in Cognitive Science of Université Paris Cité and Sorbonne Université.
Since 2022: Nominated member of the Comité de Perfectionnement of the Neuroscience Master, Université Paris Cité
Since 2020: Founder and Director of the national Hacking Cognition initiative: collaborative course federating 5 French Masters in Cognitive Sciences.
Since 2018: Member of doctoral follow-up committees (#6)
2017 – 2024: Co-director of studies for the CogMaster – Université Paris Cité, ENS et EHESS
2016 – 2024: Member of the pedagogical committee of the CogMaster, Université Paris Cité, ENS and EHESS
Collective responsibilities
Starting 2025: Co-director of the Brain Dynamics, Anatomy and Cognition team of the INCC UMR 8002 CNRS, Université Paris Cité
Since 2023: Nominated member of the Scientific Council of the UFR Sciences Fondamentales et Biomédicale, Université Paris Cité
2023 – 2024: Elected member of the Research Committee of the Science Faculty of Université Paris Cité.
2021 – 2024: Elected member of the Comité National de la Recherche Scientific in section 26 (Brain, Cognition, Behavior)
2020 – 2023: Member of the INCC committee in charge of organizing the allocation of laboratory space
Since 2020: Ethics correspondent for the INCC (human experimentation and GDPR), Université Paris Cité
2018: Member of the committee in charge of organizing the INCC restructuration, Université Paris Cité
Since 2018: Principal investigator of an ethics research project (CPP/IRB) for neuroimaging research performed at the ICM, Hôpital de la Pitié Salpétrière, Paris
2017 – 2018: Member of the laboratory committee to represent INCC Professors and Associate Professors
2016 – 2024: In charge of the installation and maintenance of the INCC Vision Group wiki platform
2014 – 2016: In charge of the NYU TMS platform
2006 – 2008: Member of the "Conseil des Etudes et de la Vie Universitaire (CEVU)," Université de Toulouse
Dr. Dugué teaches in the Biomedical department of Université Paris Cité.
Graduate (M1 and M2): cog-SUP, Université Paris Cité & Sorbonne Université
Basic Methods in Neuroimaging
Advanced Methods in Neuroimaging
Model-Based Neuroimaging
Cognitive Neuroscience
Hacking Cognition
Graduate (M1): Neurosciences, Université Paris Cité
Cognitive Science and Sensorimotor Systems
Education and Positions
Since 2024: Full Professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience, at the INCC UMR 8002 CNRS, Université Paris Cité, FRANCE.
2019: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) in Cognitive Neuroscience, Université Paris Cité, FRANCE.
Thesis: Rhythms of Perception and Attention: a multimodal neuroimaging approach.
2016-2024: Associate Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, at the INCC UMR 8002 CNRS, Université Paris Cité, FRANCE.
2014-2016: Post-doctoral Fellow in Cognitive Neuroscience, at New York University, Department of Psychology and Center for Neural Science, New York, USA.
Advisor: Pr. Marisa Carrasco.
Keywords: Attention, orienting, reorienting, TMS, fMRI, MEG, psychophysics.
2010-2013: PhD Student in Cognitive Neuroscience, at the CerCo, Toulouse, FRANCE.
Advisor: Dr. VanRullen.
Thesis: Attentional and Perceptual Cycles.
2008-2010: M.S. in Neuroscience, Behavior and Cognition
1st year (1/135): Internship at the CRCA, Toulouse, FRANCE. Advisor: Pr. Lassalle. Keywords: Hippocampus, memory, mice.
2nd year (1/18): Internship at the CerCo, Toulouse, FRANCE. Advisor: Dr. VanRullen. Keywords: TMS, attention, visual search.
2005-2008: Bachelor of biology (magna cum laude; 3/91) at Toulouse University, FRANCE.
2007: Internship at the Cognitive Science lab, Bordeaux, FRANCE. Advisor: Dr. Faita-Aïnseba. Keywords: language, idiomatic expressions.
Training schools
2023: Pedagogical innovation, Paris, France (1 day).
2018: CuttingEEG, Paris, France (4 days).
2015: MRI class by David Heeger, New-York University, USA (1 semester).
2014: Psychophysics class by Michael Landy, New-York University, USA (1 semester,
2012: Visual Neuroscience summer school: from spikes to awareness, Rauischholzhausen, Hessia, GERMANY (2 weeks,
2011: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation school, Aalto University, Helsinki, FINLAND (1 week;
2011-2013: Training courses for University teaching.
2011-2013: CerCo 3-day annual training school.
Experimental skills:
EEG: biosemi, brainproduct (brainamp), EGI
TMS: Magstim Rapid2, Magstim Rapid2 Plus1, MagProX100, Brainsight Neuronavigation system (Rogue)
Eyetracking: eyelink
fMRI: certified operator for Siemens Allegra 3T (NYU)
MEG: MEG Vision, NYU (Institut Technologique Kanazawa, Japon), Elekta Neuromag TRIUX.
Computational modeling
Computer skills:
Matlab: EEGlab, Fieldtrip, mrTool, mgl, PsychToolbox, StatisticsToolbox, CircularToolbox
Python: MNE-Python, PsychoPy
Languages: French (native), English (fluent), Spanish (scholar).